Verwendungsnachweis (proof of appropriate use - only avaiable in German)(XLS / 79 KB)
The Excel template provided here can be used to keep a “low-maintenance” record of project income and costs
Should other lists (printouts from a bookkeeping programme; forms from other funding bodies; own Excel spreadsheets) also include all required information (payment date; payment recipient; individual sums; reason for payment - sorted by cost item categories), then submission of a printout of the existing lists will, of course, be sufficient.
If you would like to provide us with accounts in a format which deviates from our form, then we request that you provide us with a legally binding confirmation of the “correctness” of the accounts.
Click here to use one of the following forms:
Funding in the form of lump sum financing, deficit financing or proportional financing
Legally binding declaration form, PDF 34 KB (only available in German)
Funding which covers specific categories of costs
Legally binding declaration form, PDF 34 KB (only available in German)
Information zum Bundesreisekostengesetz (Information on the German Federal Travel Costs Act - only available in German)
Leitfaden zur Projektabrechnung Download PDF 76 KB (Project accounting guide - only available in German)
Häufige Fehler beim Verwendungsnachweis (Common mistakes when compiling proof of appropriate uses - only available in German)
Muster Formular Verwendungsnachweis (Sample proof of appropriate use form - only available in German)
Anforderungen an den Sachbericht (Requirements for the factual summary - only available in German)