Kultur besser fördern
25 Jahre Fonds Soziokultur
(How to fund culture better
25 years of the fonds Soziokultur)

In addition to detailed funding statistics the 190-page documentation also includes additional analyses; information on funding practices; articles on the history of socioculture and numerous presentations of illustrative projects. Authors include Ulrike Blumenreich, Hildegard Bockhorst, Kurt Eichler, Yvonne Fietz, Max Fuchs, Hermann Glaser, Tobias J. Knoblich, Claudia Kokoschka, Franz Kröger, Thomas Röbke, Norbert Sievers, Wolfgang Zacharias and many others.

Titelseite Kultur besser fördern


    The documentation (only available in German) can be ordered  
    from the Fonds Soziokultur for a nominal charge of EUR 10.00.

    Please send an email to: antrag_at_fonds-soziokultur.de


    Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF / 2,0 MB) (Content page - only available in German)


    Lob und Anerkennung (PDF / 1,3 MB) (Praise and recognition - only available in German)
